
Showing posts from 2017

Are we really growing up or just growing older?

Who is an adult? A person who is no longer young and fully grown up. There is no right passage for children in today's age to grow up. You become an adult when you choose to. For say, an elder sibling become an adult way early than a younger one. Some understand when they took off for college and so on. But, When you think about it deeply are we really grown up emotionally, spiritually, socially? A child couldn’t wait to grow up, but being a grown up all we want is to be a child. Childhood is better than adulthood. We know that broken knees are always better than broken heart. When you are a child, you don’t really have to worry about something you say being offensive to someone. You can fight tooth and nail with your friend one day, yet behave like best friends the very next day. You can lose a quiz and smile about it with your whole class. Grudges are the attributes of an adult. Self-centeredness and self importance are norm...