Are we really growing up or just growing older?

Who is an adult?
A person who is no longer young and fully grown up.
There is no right passage for children in today's age to grow up.
You become an adult when you choose to.
For say, an elder sibling become an adult way early than a younger one. Some understand when they took off for college and so on.

But, When you think about it deeply are we really grown up emotionally, spiritually, socially?
A child couldn’t wait to grow up, but being a grown up all we want is to be a child.

Childhood is better than adulthood.
We know that broken knees are always better than broken heart. When you are a child, you don’t really have to worry about something you say being offensive to someone.
You can fight tooth and nail with your friend one day, yet behave like best friends the very next day.
You can lose a quiz and smile about it with your whole class.
Grudges are the attributes of an adult.

Self-centeredness and self importance are normally characteristics of children.
Children demand special treatment, make little real contributions themselves, and complain that life isn’t meeting their demands. Over coming this mind set is a normal and an important part of growing-up.

But some person may look mature, and have many adult responsibilities but rather they react out their self centered child self than as a mature adult.
What is it they are missing? Why do they want to compete with others? Who creates peer pressure?

Don't ask a girl why aren't you married yet, and a boy when are you getting a new home
After marriage when is the good news? Why not a boy baby? And the cycle goes on.

Everybody has their own moments to treasure.There isn't a definition for happiness.When it comes down to it, people are different.No two people are completely alike.
May be the guy is enjoying his career growth, May be the girl loves spending more time with her parents.I have seen many independent girls who chose career over family.We need to accept these differences and stop judging people.Putting down someone to make you feel better just shows the insecurity about yourself.

Life isn't about who is bigger person or smaller person. Spread positivity, Be like a child.
A immature child never distinguish people on race or culture or status, It smiles at everyone.
Why to lose our innocence and laughter in the process of growing up?

"Life is like walking in a beautiful meadow,
Smell the fresh dew, live completely and let everybody enjoy their own steps
Don't lend your golden shoes and spoil their fun ! "

PS: It is highly unlikely that any opinions expressed above coincide with any other person in any way associated with me.


  1. Well analysed thoughts which are commonly smoldering among those who are grown up with lack of self-centric, towards the vice versa ones..

  2. happy to see you writing again. Good one :)


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