
The best and the worst thing one can experience in their life
One day u may feel like u r the king of the universe
U l feel u r the most happiest person in the world
Only a eye contact is required sometimes,
 sometimes a gentle touch ,
 sometimes a good joke,
 sometimes a caring heart,
They list never ends.
U l not see the beauty ,personality ,character ,complexion of the person
once u started liking them.
Ofcourse appearance and personality plays a important role before liking someone
but once u started liking u may not find any flaws.
even if u find anything u will ignore it.
If they laugh u laugh
If they weep u l  be ready to wipe their tears even your own life is bumbling
You will be longing for them day and night.
Getting little butterflies in stomach when u felt their presence nearby
Feeling like u conquered the whole world when they said they like you
all these are good
but wait they wont last forever.

There comes the second stage of a relationship
It is when u will come to know that they like you too
This time words cant explain the happiness u will feel
This time no butterflies
no waiting
you will be always talking talking
there is no gap
you will forget to study ,eat,
sleep most important thing that u l sacrifice when u r in a relationship
nights seems to be the most beautiful time.

Even this stage will not lost either there comes the more difficult stage in a relatioship

"Y You r not speaking to me ?"
Which u may felt as the beautiful question will turn as a nightmare
what to speak for 24 hours a day
the same person who looked more interesting in your eyes will look very boring

Imagine your favourite food or drink or a chocolate
did u like it if u get it everyday
the answer is very obvious
u like something only when it is hard to get.
same in the relationship
**dont force yourself to be together always
spend some time alone.
**Be honest and let ur partner know what you are
imagine your partner is asking is this dress good looking ?
if it is not say it
it is better to say it is not so good
than to lie them and tell the truth later during any fight.
** most important point to note is
Romance,passion and intimacy should happen spontaneously
Say i love you when u feel it
not like a routine :)
** treat your partner with respect after being together for many years
If you want passion to grow, you have to start respecting each other
This lack of respect can come in the form of not acknowledging one another
It can come in the form of allowing the interruption of a telephone call,
email or Facebook to take precedence over
listening to your partner when he or she talks to you.

People who maintain a great relationship over time continue to give
it the same amount of care and attention as they did in the beginning.

"Their love was big and fat because they fed it a lot between meals"
the above saying explains it all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good thoughts, Share it in Google

  3. A really good post. I totally agree to what you say here. There can be no love without respect and trust!


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