A mother's self condemnation

How is it being a Mother?

"It is solidly blur"

Yes. After many hours of labor and pushing your whole system stops working.
Instead you have a Teeny-Weeny person and an incessant timer ticking.

There comes a new virtue "The Motherhood". You can never be your old self. When you become a Muh-ther you need energy today and everyday

A mother is  always a (working) mother.
Mothers don't discriminate.They put their utmost effort and love.
The job has no retirement and its never easy.
Otherwise dad's would do it.

A mother is re-born, and grows with a child.
She makes cooing noises and smiles with her newborn.
If Kid is failing in school? 
She refreshes her algebra.
If Kid is sick?
She skips her meetings and stay up all night.
If Kid is solitary?
She joins playgroup and socialize.

Ironically ,In child's good book mom are always the losers.
A child often finds it tough to be in same page with mom. 

My 5 year old nephew complained me
“Chithi mom is not switching channels for me she only stares at her laptop”
 “Poor kid. He can’t play in this weather” said his mother amidst her weekend pagerduty.

I thought my mom hated me, When she bawled at my new haircut, whenever she denied me a spicy evening snack, or compelled me into housework.
Here I am with puffy eyes, growling stomach and a mountain of unfinished errands, clapping for my babies first roll over, wiping his drool and taking pictures of his first bath. 

Because you can be a lousy child, lazy co-worker, a troublesome wife.
But, When it comes to mother's love there is no ifs ands or buts.

"By The Time A Woman
Realizes Her Mom Was Right,
She Has A Kid Who Thinks She Is Wrong"


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